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👉AIIMS Solved Papers and Model Test Papers With SolutionAIIMS Previous Year Papers: Candidates those who are looking for the AIIMS Previous Year Papers. They can read the question papers from this app. Here we have Answer keys and solution as well. It helps a student to identify areas of weaknesses and bottleneck of a student so that he/she can analyze afterward and work on those areas.🎯Key features of the applicationâ©„ Chapter-wise & Year-wise Solved Papersâ©„ Chapter-wise Mock Test Facilityâ©„ Chapter-wise Speed Test Facilityâ©„ Bookmark Important Questionsâ©„ Mock Test & Speed Test Result Recordâ©„ AIIMS Model Test PapersBecause it’s always best to practice before you actually sit for the exams. If you are practicing AIIMS previous year papers and also noting your time spent. Then you can work on your speed by working on those problems where you are losing more time. You can also use these AIIMS Previous Year papers as your last time revision plan and revise the already covered chapters.26 years AIIMS Chapter wise solutions - Chemistry is a chapter wise question bank having questions from past 26 years AIIMS Chemistry. This include questions of 2019 AIIMS and Chapter wise AIIMS previous year questions of last 26 years’ (1994-2019) with detailed answers for easy and clear understanding of the AIIMS Exam pattern. ✹Table of Content: 01. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, 02. Structure of Atom, 03. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, 04. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure, 05. States of Matter (Gaseous and Liquids), 06. Thermodynamics, 07. Equilibrium, 08. Redox Reactions, 09. Hydrogen, 10. The s-Block Elements, 11. The p-Block Elements (Group , 13 and , 14) , 12. Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques, 13. Hydrocarbons, 14. Environmental Chemistry, 15. Solid State, 16. Solutions, 17. Electrochemistry, 18. Chemical Kinetics, 19. Surface Chemistry, 20. General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, 21. The p-Block Elements (Group , 15 to , 18), 22. The d- and f-Block Elements, 23. Coordination Compounds, 24. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, 25. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, 26. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids, 27. Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, 28. Biomolecules, 29. Polymers, 30. Chemistry in Everyday Life